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Sisters Supporting Sisters Foundation of Delaware is committed to empowering more women to become the architects of their daily lives. Our mission consists of assisting black and brown women & families with learning how to effectively manage stress, anxiety, and depressive feelings. We have been successful with our endeavors by curating programs and hosting events that promote the 8 dimensions of wellness. Our featured services of hosting our weekly Anxiety Relief Walk-a-Thon, our monthly support group “Sisters Grace”, our Annual Empowerment Brunch, our Health & Wellness Youth Initiatives, and our Self Care retreats are vital to improve the lives of Sisters and families in Delaware.



Sisters Supporting Sisters Foundation of Delaware’s vision is to create a healing community that provides its neighborhoods immediate access to self care activities and resources. We will support and motivate our members to reach their life goals, to thrive in their chosen career, and to redefine and conquer gender wealth gaps. SSSF’s goal is to duplicate our healing community in underserved communities across the nation. We look forward to partnering with like minded individuals, organizations, and agencies whose values align with our mission of personal development and aspirations of black and brown women and families.

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